
Dubfluencial 6 – Summer Full Of Sub

[wp_announce_marquee]Well if your counting this is technically episode 7, but thats only for the hardcore followers which there seems to be allot considering we have hit over 100k downloads! Thanks to all for the amazing emails and shows of love for all the mixes. Here is the latest edition of Dublfuencial. Bass? Check. Sub? Check. 320 kbps? Check. Its now become a standard and we have not disappointed you.

This is full of hard summer bass to help make this summer a memorable one. Whether your on holiday, at the beach or hitting the park (Well when the sun wants to even show its yellow bastard face!) this mix will quench your thirst for Bass.

Turn Off The Radio – July 09

It was hot…! Not just because the venue was obviously feeling the credit crunch and decided to not just turn off the Radio but also the air conditioning and any possible fan they had. But that didn’t stop the vibes, but did create a ‘Turkish Bath’ of energy and music. Guest’s such as Ghostpoet, who i have never heard  before, was a breath of fresh air in a style of Hip Hop Ive not heard before…! You must check him out.

Tuning The Summer 01 – Major Lazer

If you don’t know about Major Lazer, then allow your face to be duppy slapped with a wet fish called Wonda. They are comprised of Switch and Diplo. Its a side / collaboration project pushing the envelope of music, especially Reggae and Bashment. This is one for our  ‘Tuning The Summer’ selection. Random tracks we feel represent the Summer of ’09. Here is the first, enjoy 🙂

Just House Vol 3 – Mixed By Jenai

It really is crazy times! Dubfluencial 4 has already had over 3’500 downloads! Thank you all.

A little late, but better than never, here is Just House Vol 3. Focusing on the UK and the UK House or UK Funky House (thats allot of UK’s <<) or what ever you want to call it. Donaeo, Hardhouse Banton, Geeneus and lots more to keep you skankin and all without a Head, Sholders, Knees or Toe in sight. Make sure you support the cause and buy ‘This Is UK Funky Vol 1’ mixed by Crazy Couzins.

Dubfluencial 4 – Bass Origins

Dubfluencial 4 is finally here. Firstly, I’m sorry for the week delay but its been a hard, long and tedious few weeks as well as fun, busy and exciting. This edition quite obviously paying accolade to one of the best comic book characters ever… Wolverine. With the new movie out this weekend  we thought it only right that he grace our front cover. This mix is also packed full of hard slashing beats (see what i did there? jokes alie…) ready to cut up your face, with bass of course. Featuring Rusko, Skream, Tek Step, Joker, Kromestar, Caspa, Jayou and more, this is not to be missed. Watch out for 4.5 coming this weekend 😉