Hideo Is God! Well a Japanese one :)
Brand new and fresh from the mind of the genius that is Hideo Kojima here is Castlevania, but not as you know it… If you didn’t know then please hang your head in shame.
Brand new and fresh from the mind of the genius that is Hideo Kojima here is Castlevania, but not as you know it… If you didn’t know then please hang your head in shame.
I love how only Hideo Kojima can get away with posting nothing except more time to look at and a few more letters. This aint cyrstal maze mother fucker! You better pull it out the bag or we coming for you.
Came across this on my usual whoring of the Internet and its prob one of the best finds of the year so far. When i mean these are genius i kid you not, prepare to have your Ego Thieved.. Check out Orioto’s Deviant page and also spread the word on his creativity. Now the only problem with this is i wished they recreated all these games to actually look like this (Side scrolling Sonic in HD like that would be crazy!). Test your knowledge and see if you know which is which… though shame on your mug if you don’t get em all.
Well Excel from Ego Thieves does anyway. Please avert your gaze from the beauty that is the Official Street Fighter 4 Tournament Arcade Stick. Even if you wanted to buy one of these beauties, you would be very hard done by. Those that have been able to land one on a super pre order have either had theirs delayed or like Excel doesn’t even want to take it out of the box. Now there are a few selling them on Ebay so Ive been told, and a swish search finds this result. Excel will, well maybe, report back on how it feels and if it was worth the many Queens heads it cost. For now check the exclusive pics, and oh yeah Jehrome i dun know your jealous 😉
Yes. Street Fighter 4 has now officially topped the UK Charts. Its no real surprise now is-it? With a whole new system of fighting, brand new features such as revenge meter and focus attacks have made the battles much more intense and unpredictable. Personally I’m not very captured by the range of new character’s and i still think Ryu looks very dodgy in the face. Online still seems very shady on both consoles and i would still love to see some classic character’s bought back (have no idea why Rose is in it?). Apart from that, this is Street Fighter for the next generation and is nothing short of a masterpiece.
Our third part to the official Christmas guide. Showcasing some of the top ten games you should own. Whether you want to get your shoot em up game on, or sit down and take on a whole new adventure, you must own at least erm, half of these games. Including some classic’s.If Xmas is for anything, its for catching up on some lost gaming time..