PS3 Tag

Assassin’s Creed 2 Developer Walkthrough

Theres been so much content from E3, it’s hard to keep up witht he posts! But your going to see a lot of posts regarding said content in the next few days. Now I liked Assasin’s Creed 1, it was a bit repetitive but the enviroments and exploration made it interesting. They seem to be keeping the same formula with 2 but addding a lot more flexibility to the gameplay and it looks sick!

Project Trico : Team Ico

Team Ico are the beloved creators of 2 games which give you a reason to have a PS2. The first being Ico and the second being Shadow of the Colossus. Now if you haven’t heard of either of these games, I suggest searching up on them…Although they are a bit hard to get hold of now, it’s still worth trying. Project Trico seems to be their new IP for PS3, this is footage which was leaked today…Well I say “leaked” but how incompetent does a company have to be to leak footage by accident. Anyway from what’s shown in this bit of footage, the game looks absolutely amazing; obviously keeping in mind that the game is being developed by Team Ico.

Marvel VS Capcom 2 Coming to XBLA and PSN

Capcom have finally listened to the fans and are going to release MVC2 for download on Playstation Network and Xbox Live (Dunno who would want to play it on a 360 pad, unless you’ve got a stick). I doubt it will be more than about 15$ and release date is looking to be summer this year. It doesn’t look like anything has been revamped or changed, but hopefully it’s at least been made compatible with HDTV’s…Meaning it doesn’t look all fuzzy and stretched (If you don’t know what I mean, try playing a PS1 game on your ps3…disgusting!), which it probably won’t; especially since it’s being developed by the same guys who did the HD remix of SF2, Backbone Entertainment. Can’t wait for this to be available.

Top Ten Games


Our third part to the official Christmas guide. Showcasing some of the top ten games you should own. Whether you want to get your shoot em up game on, or sit down and take on a whole new adventure, you must own at least erm, half of these games. Including some classic’s.If Xmas is for anything, its for catching up on some lost gaming time..