Hideo Reveals… Metal Gear Solid 5! Sort of…
Shock horror… the countdown has expired with yet another countdown. But has Hideo has revealed that yes, it is Metal Gear Solid 5? Check the pictures below which include a new letter P along with a familiar face… Solid Snake or Big Boss? Hummmm. The countdown continues and i will pretend i wont check back in four days when i know i will. Motherfucka!
** Just in as above, some tasty new leaked magazine pics of Raiden in the countdown. Hmmmm it goes on…
Hideo you bastard 😉
May 27, 2009 1:30 amI think it is Big Boss… that hat is doing allot 🙂
May 27, 2009 9:21 amgeeez exams are makin me slack with gaming news atm…i finish 2moro then im on itt!!!
But yeh i agree that could be big boss but then how could Raiden be in it? Since bigboss dies in MGS4 (sorry for those who aint completed it lol)…it could be Snake, maybe they got a cure for that aging shit? who knowsss
May 27, 2009 4:49 pmmuva fucker i didn’t play mgs4! bastardddd
May 27, 2009 5:08 pmExactly… do you think its going to be some sort of Lost time travel story line? I hope not lol. Or even two different games? But either way im very very sure Hideo isnt actually involved in making these or if he is its very loose as he has already gone on to say MGS4 was his last one. And Natty get a PS3 you university bumbararse x