Design Tag

Wallpapers good enough to play

Came across this on my usual whoring of the Internet and its prob one of the best finds of the year so far. When i mean these are genius i kid you not, prepare to have your Ego Thieved.. Check out Orioto’s Deviant page and also spread the word on his creativity. Now the only problem with this is i wished they recreated all these games to actually look like this (Side scrolling Sonic in HD like that would be crazy!). Test your knowledge and see if you know which is which… though shame on your mug if you don’t get em all.

ET Feature :: Soul Junkie

Mr Steven Cedre Jr. is in short words, a badman. We are very picky about who we choose to expose on Ego Thieves as we don’t do this purely for money (ok well some money) nor do we do it for the so called ‘street cred’ lol. We do this because the world is full of a vast amount of crap and it can take just one person to switch your entire outlook on an every day item, for instance… the trainer. Steven is the founder and soul proprietor of Soul Junkie, which is home of his infamous custom trainers (or kicks to the dudes over the pond edge). He has an amazing story which i suggest you read and gain an insight into how he came to be.

Get Your Karaoke On


Well sort of, more instrumental-oke. This is a website designed by the amazing Annika at Das Plankton. What you do is click onto the site, choose your theme/scene (or your animation) and then either choose your track from the designated list or by magic you can play your own track. Very pointless but great way to waste time and the build and design of the website is amazing. I mean the animation sits to the tempo of the track, genius! This will defiantly Thief your Ego.