So, it seemed I had some unfinished business when it came to all things Dubfluencial. I would like to say it was an elaborate plan and well, I will, because it was lol.
When I started the series, I had this vision of a mix series really having an impact on the scene, on fans of the genre and lovers of all things bass related and I always knew the series would have a start and an end, but what if I skipped the first mix? What if I started with the second? If it was going to have the impact I envisioned, I wonder how people would feel always having one missing mix in their collection? And could I go back and really do that mix justice after a long stretch of time? So, I started with the second mix in the series and waited to see what the outcome would be.
To my surprise, it all went exactly to plan! After almost three years, I had ended the series and people would consistently complain about the very first mix being missing. It even started to gain it’s very own set of conspiracy theories lol.
Ego Thieves was huge in Russia, so much so they torrented all my mixes because they believed we were some kind of legitimate record label who had to be pirated lol. I was invited so many times to DJ at huge events there, but I had decided I wanted to stop DJ’ing out anymore for an array of different reasons.
But this didn’t stop the Russian forums blowing up with ideas about where and why Dubfluencial 1 was never released. I had a Russian friend translate some of the posts to me and some of the ideas were so jokes but a tad scary too. One person was convinced I had died and that’s why everything stopped and was never updated. Another believed ‘Jenai’ was a group of people who must have fallen out and that’s the reason and someone even uploaded a whole mix called ‘Dubfluencial 1’ and claimed to announce he was sent it personally from me on AIM lol.
As the summer of 2012 approached, I was organising my music collection on my hard drives and came across all my old classic Dubstep EP’s and thought to myself, ok, let’s put out the first and ironically final mix in the series, Dubfluencial 1.
I got straight to work, trying my very best to select a tracklist that could do this mix justice. It felt impossible! How do you condense five years worth of incredible music into one single mix that has had hundreds of thousands of downloads? I made maybe 8 or 9 different drafts of the mix, none of them felt right so I decided mix number ten would be it, come rain or shine.
The artwork had to be special, and I mean really special. My cousin Josh was back working with us in the design studio and we decided because of our collective love for all things Ape related, myself, JC and Josh would team up to produce something beyond what we had ever done before. This mix and artwork had to conquer all. Josh got straight to it, working hard to come up with our version of King Kong, while I got the final mix laid down and organised. The result, even if I say so myself, was beyond anything I could have ever envisioned.
I loved the final mix, I mean the artwork we finalised was truly outstanding and it was ready to put those crazy Russian conspiracy theories to bed. We also decided to run another small limited edition set of prints to really pay homage to the years of hard work it took to create this series. From all the incredible producers and artists, the team at Ego Thieves and my server for never let me down when it came to people flooding the site to grab the latest download.
With some of the greatest Dubstep classics to date, Dubfluencial 1, The Missing Mix, was finally complete and I couldn’t be more proud.
[zoomsounds id=”dubfluencial1″]