
An Interview With :: Ape Apparel

Here it is! Our first and long awaited video interview, please note we are in Beta Mode. Bare with us as we mould out our concept. The camera used was not the best (Note: iMac Camera did a good job for what it is!) but we have gone for a more face on and intimate angle taking you away from the classic and boring cut to face shots. Expect more to come from our interviews including features such as; Competitions and gifts from every interview,  HD Quality Video of course,  PSP/iPhone downloadable videos including unseen footage & outakes.

Interview :: Serani

Its, Its, Its Serani! Hot on the lips of many a Reggae / Dancehall fan. His last album sky rocketed and with his current single ‘No Games‘ doing very well and on Myspace alone has had over 14 million (yes million!) spins, his dominance seems to continue to sky rocket! We sent Theo Tziapouras from Ego Thieves to catch up with him and ask that all important question… Do you have an Ego?